On June 29, 2010 William Holden was introduced to a new challenge that will impact him greatly and the many people that love him and care about him.
Will was diagnosed with Hodgkin's Lymphoma stage 4B. The cure rate for this cancer is 95-100%. Will is fighting hard and holding strong and he has hundreds of people all over the country praying for him and supporting him through this time.
Hodgkins Lymphoma is a cancer that is found in the Lymph Nodes. Will has it throughout his upper body and has been through much mental and physical stress because of this. The chemotherapy has already begun and it is doing its job, but the road is still long and Will is going to need all the support he can get!
Chemotherapy unfortunately will wipe out William's immune system so he is going to be on constant guard of any sicknesses as well as even the tiniest cuts that could get infected. Because of his weak immune system everything around him will have to be sterilized, from floor to ceiling. This also means Will isn't going to be able to go out into very populated places and do things that we take for granted every day.
There are some things we can do to support Will so that he can still keep succeeding and moving forward through life at this difficult time. Will just graduated high school last month and was very much looking forward to going to college this fall and going on an LDS mission in a year. Unfortunately this has pushed back these dreams for a couple years, but WE CAN HELP!
We are putting together a fund to purchase college classes as well as a Mac Book Pro for William so that he will be able to start taking online college classes as well as have an easy access to communicating with people that he won't be able to see on a regular basis. So... if you want to help, here is what YOU CAN DO!
We are collecting money donations to be able to support Will after he gets home from the Hospital at UCSF. The donations do not have to be large! Any amount helps! Our goal is to not only support Will through this time but to also allow everyone to have a way to show that they care for him. We will have a list of people who participate in this cause so that Will can see how many people care for him and want to see him succeed!
Will is a very smart and hardworking guy. His work ethics are outstanding and anyone who knows him knows that. He has been very involved and active throughout his life. Including: Folsom Cordova Lacrosse for four years, he is an Eagle Scout candidate, he has worked and just been promoted at his job at Bel Air, and is very well liked among everyone he comes across because of his friendly and positive personality! He is going to do great things!
Thank YOU for your help and support!
*to donate contact
Lynsey Carpenter- Lnzcarp@gmail.com
OR use our paypal button!!

Will, I know you'll be strong enough to get through this and live a long full life. I'll be sending good thoughts to you and everyone who loves you. Stay positive in these hard times!
Kelsey Elsberry
Hi Will, Lynsey told me about her blog and thought this would be a good way to send you our love and best wishes to you! Todd & I put your name in the Mesa AZ temple on Friday, but I have to admit that I forgot your last name, so I wrote Will Carpenter...HA! I know the Lord knows who I meant! Anyway, the Christensen family is fasting and praying for you to feel better soon, and for you to be able to accomplish all your life's desires. Remember that stumbling blocks in life are just tests, opportunities to show God just how we can deal with challenges and disappointments, and prove to Him how faithful, humble and righteous we can be in the face of adversity. Stay the course and hang in there! You have lots of fans in the Christensen family! :)
ReplyDeleteLove Todd & Cheryl Christensen, Gilbert AZ
Hi William, I have thought about you so very often over the years and always wondered how you were and where you and your family were living. I was so thankful to reconnect with Mary Kate and your mom on Facebook! You have grown into such a handsome young man! I know that you will get through this and will come out even stronger in the end. You are in my thoughts and prayers everyday.
Sabrina Weros
(Miss Serna-Your 2nd grade teacher)